Saturday, July 10, 2010

Looking Photo Shoots

For getting wide exposure in the modeling and fashion world you have to send some professional images and photographs to the modeling agencies. Your photos should be the best one which must show your potential as a model at a glance so you have to send five or six best images to the agency even though you had taken more images in a variety of looks. In today modern world it is very easy to do this successfully. If you are not interested in getting the assistance of professional photographers then you can seek the help of your friend, and a good digital camera by making proper planning. It is enough for some people to have single photo shoot to get the required pictures but the others will need more.

There are some photo shoot basics, which every model should keep in mind. You must plan to attend the shoot by changing at least three to five different wardrobe, make up, hair and shooting locations. At first, shoot in a low resolution format which should be approximately 70 dots per inch as a beginning. You should expose different looks, moods, attitudes and facial expression while shooting different segments. In each sequence you have to take twenty to thirty pictures. The importance should be given in taking a variety of pictures of different shots of the body, head and torso with different looks and attribute. If the surroundings are not well lit then the images will be dark and it will be of no use as dark images amounts to nothing, so be sure of it.

It is not necessary to have excess make up as this is a deal killer. Always make up should be wear in a moderate way in order to achieve the look which is expected. Make up which is worn during day time or while at office will have less intense than the evening make up. You should not wear weird and bizarre fashion accessories. Even though this weird and bizarre are having their place in the wardrobe most of the time it will only create depressed image. Dressing, makeup will decide your sense of fashion and if you are not appropriately dressed up then its sure, it will create a bad judgment about you and it will not be a favorable factor in the path of your career.

Hair style will also be very important aspect and problematic hair will not be acceptable. Problem in hair means that the hair could be of inappropriate length, texture and color or it may be damaged with split ends. If one becoming older the hair naturally becomes lighter and shorter and you should be very cautious in planning hair style changes. Your personality and style should be reflected as a unique one and also as who you are, by your pictures and images.

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