Saturday, July 10, 2010

Important Tips

You should know how to preserve your photos properly, if you want to retain those precious memorable moments. Having your photos on canvas would preserve them admirably. But how you can preserve them before they are converted to canvas prints? Here are 6 important tips on photo preservation.

Avoid exposure to sunlight

Exposing your photos to constant sunlight will ruin and make them jaded. You can renew their vividness enhancing and printing them on canvas. It is still better to avoid exposure to sunlight though because you may want to keep most of them in their original forms.

Store in a cold but dry place

Store your photos at room temperature (20 to 24 degrees Celsius) and in dry places to avoid formation of moisture. Moisture will destroy the photo instantly.

Do not stack photos with each other

Stacking photos will make them adhere to one another. Once they stick to one another, then pulling them off will also damage the surface of the photos.

Avoid marking the photos
Marking the photos will later cause blotting of the prints due to the absorbance of the ink through the photos. This may be removed when you convert them to canvas prints, but why take chances?

Avoid using glues or pastes with your photos

Using glues or pastes will destroy the photos as their colors will come off with the glue or paste. The content of the paste can also ruin the picture.

Keep your negatives protected

You should keep your negatives, as you may need them when you want to recopy your photos in the future. Negatives are destroyed by exposure to sunlight and the natural elements.

Do not wrap your pictures in plastic bags
The plastic bag will only harbor, fomites, dust, dirt, and retain water, which will destroy the photos eventually. The plastic bag will also cause moisture to form. This condition would destroy everything.

Keep your pictures in specifically designed storage boxes

There are specifically designed containers for pictures. When you decide to convert them to canvas prints, then that would only be the time that you bring them out. You should display your photos through canvas to ascertain that you can preserve them well and maintain their color like the first time you took them.

When you decide to capture those happy memories through your photos and preserve them forever, then you can do that through canvas prints.

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